Talos Takes

Carrying out incident response in-person vs. virtually

Cisco Talos Episode 152

Everything about the modern workplace is different now from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies are embracing the remote work lifestyle, while others are stuck in a hybrid model or pushing employees to come back to the office. With that in mind, we felt like it was a good time to check in on the incident response process for companies who have to deal with working remotely and those who prefer to conduct business in person. Yuri Kramarz and Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response join the show this week to discuss how they handle onsite incident response versus engagements that need to be done remotely. There are drawbacks and benefits of both models, so it's up to the individual customer and specific circumstances to determine how a responder can best approach the event in question.

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