Talos Takes
Every week, host Hazel Burton brings on a new guest from Talos or the broader Cisco Security world to break down a complicated security topic. We cover everything from breaking news to attacker trends and emerging threats.
Talos Takes
Talos Takes Ep. #45: Finding an alternative to SMS multi-factor authentication
Wendy Nather (speaker) and Jon Munshaw (host)
It was only a matter of time before we had Wendy Nather from Cisco Secure Duo on the show. We finally met Beers with Talos’ level of stardom, as Wendy joins the show to discuss SMS messages as a form of multi-factor authentication. We break down why SMS authentication is still around and used by some of our most important services like banks, and what alternatives are out there. We also discuss the dangers of SIM-jacking attacks and the benefits of using Duo’s app-based authentication.