Talos Takes
Every week, host Hazel Burton brings on a new guest from Talos or the broader Cisco Security world to break down a complicated security topic. We cover everything from breaking news to attacker trends and emerging threats.
Talos Takes
Talos Takes Ep. #110: The kinetic and cyber threats Ukrainian agriculture faces
Cisco Talos
Episode 110
- An underrated aspect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the effect it’s had on the global food supply chain. Ukraine is a major importer and exporter of grain and other food staples, but the industry now faces kinetic and cyber threats. Joe Marshall of Talos has spent months learning all about agricultural cybersecurity and the unique position farming equipment and infrastructure is in. Joe recently wrote about these threats for the Talos blog and joins Talos Takes to talk about how important Ukraine is to the global food supply chain and what law enforcement and global governments can do to prepare for potential state-sponsored attacks.